Rustic style “Made To Order”

rustic linen by anna champeney textile studio

We love the timeless aesthetic of our large hand-woven sacks.  We use ours for storing our crusty bread from the local bakers and for storing recycled paper.  We have based our design closely on the traditional hand-woven flour sacks which disappeared with the last traditional weavers from our area in c. 1940s.

rustic linen sack by anna champeney textile studioSize:  Approx. 65cm x 45cm

Other information:  Design includes two robust linen hanging loops. Machine wash on gentle handwash cycle with gentle spin.

Each sack has a unique colourway using the natural-dyed wools available at the studio at this time.  If you have special preferences please let us know.

Price:  75€

Please place your order with us by email or phone by 25 June 2015 


Creating Colours That Sing

Oak bark1.  Oak bark.

Nature´s greys are rarely grey.

They can be yellow-toned, touched by the sun, or shadow-veiled with blue melancholy or flushed pink by a sunset cloud.

And palettes with grey can be mysterious and rich, whether destined for loom shuttle or paintbrush.

“And how important it is to know how to mix on the palette those colours which have no name

and yet are the real foundation of everything”

– Vincent van Gogh

natural dyes

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The Song Of The Loom

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The creak of the wood, the rush of the shuttle, and the clip of heavy, old iron scissors as they trim the ends of the yarns.

The song of the loom is repeated over and over, as the woven fabric slowly builds up, row by row.

The weaver´s expert hands and feet power the loom in a meditative state of concentration, the perfect union of person and handloom.

Only after the shuttle has been thrown by the weaver over 2000 times is the song finished.

And another one of our scarves, handwoven to perfection.

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Limited edition series of fine Bubble scarves in linen by Anna Champeney.

Available to purchase or to hand-woven to commission for a limited period only.  Contact us for more details.

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Nieves Neira, Journalist, wears Anna Champeney

nieves neira periodista lleva foulard Anna Champeney

Nieves Neira, Journalist with El Progreso.  19 May 2015.

She wears “Grid” from Anna Champeney, in natural silk and wool.

Hand-woven and hand-dyed with natural dyes.

Flower petals.





Celebrating 10 years of Anna Champeney textiles with a special version of “H&O” scarf

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This new special, limited edition version of our “H & O” scarf in supersoft 100% cashmere is our way to celebrate with you.


The design has been woven on our handlooms as always …

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… with natural dyes like local weld  providing the rich colours

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…  that give us such subtle and vibrant colour mixing in the final product.


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So you can wrap yourself up in nature – even if you live in the heart of the city!